[box type=warning] Below are examples of four and three columns of pricing tables, but you can easily have from 2 to 5 columns. [/box]
[headline htype=”h4″]Four Tables[/headline]
[pricing_wrapper number=”4″][pricing_table header=”Standard” price=”$9.99″ per=”per month” color=”1″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security

[/pricing_table][pricing_table header=”Premium” price=”$29.99″ per=”per month” color=”2″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security

[/pricing_table][pricing_table header=”Professional” price=”$69.99″ per=”per month” color=”3″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security

[/pricing_table][pricing_table header=”Maximum” price=”$99.99″ per=”per month” color=”1″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security


[headline htype=”h4″]Three Tables[/headline]
[pricing_wrapper number=”3″][pricing_table header=”Standard” price=”$9.99″ per=”per month” color=”1″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security

[/pricing_table][pricing_table header=”Premium” price=”$29.99″ per=”per month” color=”2″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security

[/pricing_table][pricing_table header=”Professional” price=”$69.99″ per=”per month” color=”3″ ]

  • 5 GB Storage
  • Free Live Support
  • Unlimited Users
  • No Time Tracking
  • Enhanced SSL Security


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